Nissan Dark Sky Concept – Changing the way we observe the universe!

When we think of observing the universe, we envision huge complexes with gigantic telescopes able to see light years into the Universe, manned by super smart Astronomers.  Nothing could be further from the truth and in a world where everything is going mobile and becoming available to the average person, the Nissan Dark Sky Concept should not come as a surprise.  The concept is simple, place a mobile observatory telescope on the back of a capable pick-up truck and drive to the darkest corners of the world where you can obtain amazing views of the heavens above.  Nissan in partnership with the European Space Agency created a brand-new pick-up truck named the “Navarra” that is designed and equipped with all the necessary mechanical and electronic tools to accomplish the task of hauling an ultra-high power PlaneWave telescope across some of the roughest terrain on the planet.



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