Dry Brew Coffee Chew – Get your caffeine fix without the coffee!

For millions of Americans the morning cup of coffee is a must have and without it many cannot function or focus on the day of work ahead.  If you are one of the millions who enjoy coffee but hate to admit their addiction to caffeine, then the Dry Brew Coffee Chew will ensure that you get your daily caffeine fix without having to drink a cup of coffee.  Dry Brew is a patented chewable coffee that provide 65 milligrams of caffeine per chew which is equivalent to a small cup of coffee and its safer than caffeinated energy drinks which are detrimental to your health.  Each chewable coffee candy is about the size of a tootsie roll and has a texture that similar to toffee.  However, don’t be fooled by its looks, these are unlike any other candy bar you have eaten.  Each chew has the real bold flavor of a cup of dark roasted coffee infused with sweetened milk.  The taste is sure to arouse the taste buds while at the same time delivering your caffeine fix.  Dry Brew Chewable Coffee are made in the United States and is great alternative if you miss your morning cup of coffee or desire a quick boost in the afternoons.

Product Features

  • 15 individually wrapped Coffee Chews per package
  • Patented formula, USA made
  • 6 fl. oz of medium roast coffee condensed in each chew
  • Main Ingredients: real coffee, non-dairy creamer, zero-calorie sweetener, see label
  • 65mg of naturally derived caffeine per chew

Target Buyers

Dry Brew Chewable Coffee are for those who simply cannot miss their daily caffeine fix.  If you are running late and miss your morning joe, coffee chew is a great alternative that provides the same amount of caffeine, so you can start or finish your day energized.

Purchase Details

Available for $17.09 on Amazon.com

6.8 Total Score

I enjoy a great cup of coffee in the mornings and I cannot see how this product could replace that. Last time I checked, there is a big difference in drinking and chewing. For me I savor the taste of the coffee more so that the caffeine it puts into my body. For others it might be the caffeine that matters over the taste and if that is you then the Dry Brew Coffee Chew will substitute for a cup of the real thing.

East of Use
  • Taste like a bold cup of coffee
  • Creamy and not too sweet
  • Coffee without the bathroom trip
  • Grainy texture inside
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