Cartainers is a State-of-The-Art Automotive Display and Storage Solution

When you invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in an exotic automobile you need to have a display and storage solution that is worth that amount of investment. Cartainers is that solution, this next level automotive display and storage solution uses specially designed shipping containers to display and keep your prized possession safe.

Cartainer Ceres 001 3

The Cartainer Ceres 001 is an automotive display and storage solution designed to be sleek and visually striking. It’s designed to be completely customizable to the owner’s individual style. Everything, from the chassis colors, bespoke flooring options, and awe-inspiring lighting options can be customized.

Cartainer Ceres 001 2

Whether you are showing off your prized vehicle at an auto show or transporting it to a new location, the Ceres 001 can be used to safely transport and display your vehicle in a more dynamic way than ever before.

Cartainer Ceres 001

Ceres 001 is not only a dynamic display and transport solution for exotic cars, but also a smart system packed with advanced technology. Via the smartphone app, owners can control all of Cartainers features by remote control. Opening and closing the electronic actuated ramp and sliding door systems, turning on custom lighting animations, monitoring and adjusting temperature, humidity while keeping track of your precious cargo via GPS can all be accomplished by the smartphone app.

For peace of mind, Ceres 001 is equipped with advanced security features including 24/7 interior and exterior camera surveillance, automated door locking systems and facial recognition access technology. Moreover, for unexpected power loss, Ceres 001 comes with a 72-hour backup battery.

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