Air-Conditioned Motorcycle Helmet lets cooler heads prevail!

When I saw this Air-Conditioned Motorcycle helmet being that I am not a bike, I laughed at first but after speaking with some biker friends I can see the need for an AC bike helmet.  When you live in hot climates, riding a bike can be pretty uncomfortable even with winds blasting your body at over a 100 mph. Wearing thick biking suits and an enclosed helmet can be suffocating under extreme humidity conditions.

Feher ACH-1 is the world’s first self-contained air-conditioned motorcycle helmet.  Using thermoelectric technology, the ACH-1 evenly distributes cooled air throughout the entire interior of the helmet.  Coupled with Feher’s tubular spacer fabric and the helmets comfort liner you can enjoy a cooler head as you ride along.

Keeping your head cooler without the distraction of sweat dripping down your face makes for safer more comfortable riding regardless of how hot it becomes.  Now if someone would invent an air-conditioned bike suit that would complete the package.




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